
青谷 法子


所属 教育学部 教育学科
職名 教授・学部長
学位 学術修士(大阪大学大学院)
主な授業科目 英語科指導法、英語学概論、英語の構造
所属学会 中部地区英語教育学会、全国英語教育学会、大阪大学言語文化学会、外国語教育メディア学会、日本認知言語学会、e-Learning 教育学会、環太平洋応用言語学会
専門分野 応用言語学、心理言語学
研究テーマ 日本人英語学習者における心的語彙ネットワークの深化と拡張を促す多読処理水準の解明
ホームページ researchmap 研究者情報



e-Learning 教育学会理事 2009年~2021年


Aotani, N. & Takahashi, S. (2022) The effects of a triggering instruction on communication strategy transference. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 26(2), 65-76.

Aotani, N., & Takahashi S. (2022). Effects of involvement load in extensive reading on lexical relations among already known L2 words. Education and New Developments 2022, 1, 519-523.

Aotani N and Takahashi S (2021) An Analysis of Japanese EFL Learners’ Lexical Network Changes. Front. Educ. 5:621437. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2020.621437

Aotani, N. & Takahashi, S. (2019). An analysis on the intraindividual difference in L1 and L2 utterances in the same context. Education and New Developments 2019, 262-264.

Aotani, N. (2017). On Introducing CLIL into Foreign Language Activities in Elementary Schools in Japan. Tokai Gakuen University Kyoiku-kenkyu Kiyo, No.2, Vol 1, 47-51.

Aotani, N., et al. (2016). An Investigation into How Learning Strategies Affect the Mental Lexicon of L2 Learners. Proceedings of the 7th CLS International Conference, 8-13.

Aotani, N., et al. (2016). An Asymmetrical Network Model of the Japanese EFL Learner’s Mental Lexicon. Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 20(2), 95-108.

Aotani, N., & Sugino, N. (2012). Profiles of Japanese EFL learners and their acceptance of transfer in word meaning expansion. Proceedings of the 5th CLS International Conference, pp. 14-22.

Aotani, N., Sugino, N., Kameyama, T., & Koga, Y. (2011). An Analysis on How Derivation Inferences Instruction Affects Acquisition of Polysemous Senses of Words of Japanese
Learners of English. Proceedings of the 16th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 385-388.

Aotani, N., Kameyama, T., & Sugino, N. (2010). On the significance of improving learners’metaphorical thinking abilities for language acquisition. Proceedings of the 4th CLS International Conference, 45-54.

Aotani, N., Kameyama, T., & Sugino, N. (2010). An analysis on how Japanese learners of English perceive polysemous senses of ords that are peculiar to English - Based on the acceptability patterns of the senses of ‘run’. Proceedings of the 15th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 267-272.

Aotani, N., Kameyama, T., Sugino, N., & Amaya, Y. (2009). A study of the effectiveness of the CALL program, ‘Adjective Sommelier’, as a learning tool to improve learners’ analytical approach to the polysemous senses of TL adjectives. Proceedings of the 14th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics, 415-418.

Aotani N. & Kameyama T. (2008). Development of a CALL program to improve learner’s analytical approach to the polysemous senses of L2 adjectives. Proceedings of WorldCALL 2008. Retrieved from http://www.j-let.org/~wcf/modules/tinyd12/.

青谷法子. (2008).「「計量」形容詞対における言語転移容認度の比較研究 -「重い-軽い」を対象として」『東海学園大学紀要第13 号(シリーズB)』pp. 3-14.


The Next Stage to the TOEIC Test – Basic, 2009, 金星堂.(小野 博(監修)、鈴木 薫、相川由美、Janet Myers)

The Next Stage to the TOEIC Test – Pre-Intermediate, 2009, 金星堂.(小野 博(監修)、鈴木 薫、橋本知子、大門樹久世、Llewelyn W. Roberts)